Time Management and Productivity Hacks for Small Businesses

If you’re a small business owner or entrepreneur you are reading this for one of three reasons:

  1. You’re just getting started and want to make sure you are starting off on the right foot.

  2. You are busting your butt and feel like there’s just GOT to be ways you can make things a little easier!

  3. You’re basically a pro at what you do, but super savvy and you want to make sure you’re not missing any ways to be the most efficient and successful business owner possible!

Congrats! You’re in the right place. Time management and productivity are KEY to being successful. Here we’ll break down some practical tips and hacks to help you boost your productivity!   

Set Clear Goals

Before you focus on anything else, it’s super important to identify and be very clear on what your goals are. These may include profits, increasing sales, enhancing brand awareness, product innovation, digital or social media presence,  employee retention, or customer satisfaction. Many businesses set SMART goals. This means that your goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. 


As a business owner it can be really easy to become overwhelmed with all that you have to do and want to accomplish. You can also get wrapped up in something that is actually not that important without even realizing it. Learning to prioritize is going to be a skill that you NEED to master! 

Start by creating a list of things you would like to accomplish. After you’ve made your list, take time to determine which items are high-priority. Then focus on any items that could be considered “urgent” that will have the biggest consequences if not completed. Once you have ordered your list from highest priority down you should focus on one thing at a time. Instead of getting caught up in multi-tasking, go through your list from top to bottom crossing things off as you go. Oh, the sweet satisfaction of crossing things off a list! That’s not just me, right? 

Time Blocking

Another useful tool is time blocking. This is a way to schedule out your day or week into smaller segments designated to certain tasks. This can help keep you on track with your to-do list! For example, you can designate 9:00 – 10:00 AM each day for responding to emails and 10:00 – 11:30 AM for your main project for the day. You may realize after doing this for a while that you personally have more productive times of the day. If this happens, you can readjust when you do certain tasks in order to be the most efficient.   

Delegating and Outsourcing

Okay, hear me out… you DO. NOT. NEED. TO. DO IT ALL. I know that sounds crazy, but part of becoming really successful is being able to delegate and outsource. As you grow and scale, you will literally not be able to do it all. Start figuring out what types of tasks make the most sense for you to either delegate to employees or outsource to specialists. Maybe marketing or social media are really just not your thing, so this would be an area to outsource to professionals. This is going to end up saving you a lot of time and stress and will far outweigh the investment. 

Technology Tools and Apps

Not surprisingly, technology can be extremely helpful with time management and productivity. Here are a few apps that have been rated as some of the best in 2023 for you to check out:

  • Todoist – best overall

  • Toggl Track – best for work schedule

  • Trello – best for multiple people 

  • Calendar – best additional resources 

Time Management Techniques

Because time management is so important there have been entire techniques developed and dedicated to it, such as the Pomodoro Technique. This is an idea that focus and efficiency can be improved by spending 25 minutes completely focused on the task at hand , followed by a 5 minute break. This is repeated 3 more times before a longer break of 15 to 30 minutes. The idea is that if you break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable ones 

You also need to identify common time-wasting activities and distractions and eliminate them to the best of your ability. If you know that scrolling social media on your phone is a weakness for you, set your timer for your task and put your phone where you physically cannot see or reach it. It’s easier said than done and definitely something that will improve the more you work on it, but strive to create a distraction-free work environment. 

Self-Care and Work-Life Balance

Do not underestimate the importance of self-care for maintaining productivity. Running yourself ragged is not going to get any more accomplished, in fact, it can do quite the opposite. Achieving a healthy work-life balance is essential. Make sure you are taking breaks and getting opportunities to recharge. Without these, it will be all too easy to burn out. 

Track Your Progress and Adjust

Data is your friend! There is so much value in tracking your time and progress. By evaluating your productivity you can make necessary adjustments to improve. I highly encourage you to make regularly reviewing and refining your time management strategies a regular part of your routine. What works for you might change over time, and that’s okay. Being self-aware and recognizing when a change is needed is a great sign of growth and success. 

Off You Go! 

Now that you’ve gotten loads of ideas, create a solid plan to put into place and get cracking! Try different methods and tools out to find what works best for you. Remember that effective time management is really going to make a difference in what sets your business above the rest and will lead to success. 


Once you have prioritized your to-do list, you might realize that some of the areas you need some help with include your website, email marketing, keeping up a blog, or creating social media content. If that’s the case, email susanrosswrites@gmail.com to come up with a plan to take some work off your plate and off your shoulders so that you can focus on what’s most important to YOU.